Thursday, 15 September 2011


This musical investigation is a great opportunity for me to learn about pieces from two very distinct musical cultures: Impressionism from Western Art Music and Indonesian Javanese Gamelan from Non-Western Music.
Pagodes and Udan Mas share number of musical links such as the use of ostinatos/motifs, counter-melodies, polyphonic texture, overall structure and instrumental imitations. Nevertheless, these two culturally contrasting pieces have dissimilarities, particular the difference in Western and Non-Western scale system. Moreover, these two pieces present contrasting tone colours; for instance, Pagodes possesses the typical characteristic of an Impressionist piece with a vague, dreamy timbre whereas Udan Mas is more vibrant and metallic with the extensive use of idiophones and metallophones. 
This investigation has allowed me to learn that several of Debussy’s compositions were written under the influences of Asian music, particularly Javanese gamelan music. I have always been limited within the boundaries of classical music, but through this valuable study, I have explored beyond the realms of Western Art Music and made connections between two seemingly distinctive musical cultures.

Word Count: 1980 

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